Mail Fraud on the Rise
It’s no secret that the number of scams has drastically increased over the past year. Unfortunately, Smart Financial and our members are currently being targeted. We want to ensure that your sensitive financial information remains protected. Awareness is the best protection!
Rainy Day vs. Emergency Fund
Being prepared with the proper savings can help make your finances a little less stressful!
Spending Your Tax Refund
Before you spend your refund, come up with a spending plan that best meets your financial needs.
Fraud Prevention
Learn what steps to take should fraudulent activity happen on your account!
Smarter Holiday Shopping
With a little planning, you can take the stress and financial worry out of holiday shopping!
Health Care Savings
Health care is expensive. Save money by following a few of these cost-saving tips.
Preparing for Hurricane Season
Hurricane season begins June 1st and runs through November 30th, with the peak of hurricane season between mid-August and late October.
Save Energy, Save Money
A hot summer usually means a high energy bill. Here are a few tips to lower your costs. This will make it easy to save money and save the environment. Win win.
Exercising in the Summer
Just because the temperature is in the triple digits, doesn’t mean you can’t exercise. Time to trade in your daily neighborhood jog with a summer friendly alternative!
Better Budgeting
Budgeting may not be the most exciting item on your to-do list, but budgeting is the first step to taking control of your finances. Let's start with the basics.