Retirement Account

Investing in your future.

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IRAs are Savings accounts designed to help wage earners save for retirement. Many members may still be eligible to deduct their IRA contributions from their taxable income. For them, IRAs are great investments. For those who may not take the deduction, an IRA still remains one of the best methods to save for retirement. Because IRA earnings are sheltered from taxes, IRAs grow faster than ordinary savings accounts.

View tiers and rates

IRA accounts to fit your needs.

IRA/Savings offers the flexibility of saving with a minimum investment.

IRA/CD allows a guaranteed interest rate to be locked in for the length of the term.

Roth IRA our investment growth is federally tax-free when withdrawn as part of a qualified distribution (as defined by the IRS).

Traditional IRA is a good choice if you're eligible to make a deductible contribution and expect your tax rate during retirement to be lower than it is today. Any investment growth is tax-deferred, and you won't pay federal income taxes on your deductible contributions or any earning until you withdraw money on or after reaching the age 59½.

To find out what IRA option(s) are best for your financial situation, speak with a Smart Financial Credit Union representative.

Rates for Individual Retirement Accounts

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
AccountMinimum to OpenMinimum BalanceInterest RateAPY
IRA (Savings) $100 or $50 w/ payroll deduction-Direct Deposit $0-2,499.99 0.500 0.50
    $2,500.00-9,999.99 0.599 0.60
    $10,000.00-24,999.99 0.749 0.75
    $25,000.00-49,999.99 1.245 1.25
    $50,000.00-99,999.99 1.740 1.75
    $100,000.00+ 2.232 2.25

Individual Retirement Accounts/Certificates of Deposit
Effective Date: Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
TermInterest Rate APR*APYMinimum Opening Balance
12-month IRA 3.784 3.85 $1,000
24-month IRA 3.542 3.60  
36-month IRA 3.057 3.10  
48-month IRA 3.057 3.10  
60-month IRA Special 3.057 3.10  

To open an account, please visit a branch.

Account Benefits


Don't pay to save. There is no monthly service fee for your Certificate of Deposit account!


Have peace of mind knowing your money is secure. Your savings are federally insured up to $250,000.


Pick the term that fits your savings goals! The longer you choose, the more you make.


Save money by locking in our highest dividend rates. Enjoy a guaranteed rate of return.

Money Market from Smart Financial

A Money Market account lets you earn a better-than-average interest rate, as long as you maintain a balance of $2,500. Withdraw money regularly, just like a normal savings account.

*Rates effective . *Earnings may be tax-deferred or tax-deductible. Consult your tax advisor for details.

**Early withdrawal fee/penalty: None, unless the withdrawal is from an IRA CD before the maturity date. The IRS, however, may impose a 10% penalty if withdrawn before age 59 ½. Certain exceptions may apply.